I have learned a lot in the last few weeks. We are still waiting for our first appointment with the specialist on August 24th. It took us several days to learn about hidden chemicals in our food and get rid of them. Now it was time for me to go down the next rabbit hole. Why is she sensitive to MSG? I keep going back to the question why she had arm tremors half-way into her Accutane treatment which we now know is a …
Tag: Epilepsy
This is a big day because I think I may have discovered something. But before I talk about what I think is a big deal, I need to talk a little more about those neurons in the …
Today is the day we are supposed to leave for Ohio. Our flight is at 8:05am which meant we had to get up around 5:45 to get ready and go. I probably should have canceled this trip after …
Afterward breaking our fast, we went to the farmers market and bought some vegetables, fresh Salman, halibut, and large gulf prawns. We also bought 3 or 4 baskets of strawberries. The keto diet does require some good planning to …
I do have notes in my folder for everyday but sometimes not much change in anything in terms of how she’s feeling or what we doing to hopefully prevent a second event. She’s been in a …
We were able to get into see Sarah’s general doctor in the afternoon once we explained what had happened. We knew we weren’t really going to learn anything there but that is where you must start …
It was a Sunday morning and I’m normally the first one up at around 8am and get that 1st cup of coffee. No matter what day it is my day always starts the same way. A …
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