Today is a Friday and Maelani is skipping school to head to Disney in southern California. Well, Maelani is our security blanket while Sarah is at school as the is in many of her classes and with …
Blog Posts
We are driving back to Stanford to get her head gear removed. She was crabby both days with that on her head. This time instead of me getting frustrated trying to have any semblance of a conversation, I …
Today I sent Dr. Nicole and email: —- On Thu, 09 Sep 2021 07:10:02 AM -0700 <Sarah Pansegrau > wrote — Hi Dr. Nicole, A little update on Sarah. We had out 1st appointment at Stanford …
Today I’m still very excited about the last couple days of discovering and confirmation from a licensed Dr. Camile. I’m also very anxious because we are getting in that range of 15-20 days in between events. It …
Today is a Sunday. Coffee and continued research. Today’s focus is to assume the glutamate is still building up and what can be done to reduce/release excess. The good news is the research continues to point to many nutrients …
Yesterday was a big day for a couple reasons. Yesterday was Ricky’s 16th birthday and it was day 30 that Sarah has been clear! She is also pooping more regularly now. To me this is a big deal. Regular …
Dr. Nicole suggested cutting out the B-Complex completely since her B6 was so high. I suggested we just stop the evening dose basically cutting the B-Complex in half. Excerpt of the email exchange Go ahead and decrease …
The good news is my entries are getting less and less. Today we are 54 days clear! There really hasn’t been much to update. Sarah has been in a great mood these past few weeks and I think part …
Although my optimism is increasing that we really may be on to the root cause, I’m still a realist and accept that it may not be the reasons for Sarah’s seizures. However, my hope increases day by …
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